What Kills Scabies Fast

What kills Scabies instantly? Unfortunately, nothing can overcome the Scabies Mite instantly.

What Kills Scabies FastThere is no single answer however there are definite actions you can take that will speed up your recovery and get you scabies free quickly.  What kills scabies fast is usually a combination of treatments both natural and home remedies together with a broad spectrum antibiotic,  a doctor prescribed solution or lotion.

Let’s review some of the best treatments out there, that will make you scabies free in as short a time as possible.

Rosemary oil combined with Clove oil:

If you are looking for a natural application, a combination of Rosemary oil and Clove oil is an effective solution. These oils battle scabies on their own however it is when they are combined where the process has stronger antimicrobial properties.  Rosemary oil on its own will decrease pain and it will prevent the possibility of secondary infection while Clove oil has strong anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.


Oral Ivermectin:

Ivermectin is prescribed by your doctor. In small, medically prescribed, quantities it is perfectly safe for human ingestion while it is extremely deadly for mites. As it name suggests you take it my mouth, it enters your bloodstream where the mites eat it and it will incapacitate them and eventually kill them. Best course of action would be to combine it with a natural soother for the itching and rashes on your skin.


Permethrin Cream:

Permethrin cream is the go to prescription of most doctors when battling scabies. It is applied topically on the skin where it will get absorbed and kill the mite. It is very important to do at least two treatments since it won`t dispose of the eggs in the first application. It will handle all adult mites on the first application and then it should be applied again in a few days (after the eggs have hatched). Permethrin cream is not able to penetrate the eggs as they are too well protected and resilient in that form, that is why a follow up application is required.

All medications on and treatments must be done in conjunction with detailed cleaning and vacuuming of your house in order to prevent the possibility of re-infestation and to reduce the likelihood of the infestation of others in the household.

Generally for an infestation to occur direct exposure is required so it is best to reduce physical contact keeping all contact to a minimum until the patient is all clear.

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