How To Clean Your House After a Scabies Infection

Almost just as important as treating your body when diagnosed with scabies is cleaning your house or home environment.

If you don’t eliminate the scabies’ mites and eggs from for surroundings, then you will never eliminate them from your body. I have read some places that say eggs can only survive up to a week off of a human body, but I’m not convinced. I think they can survive much longer and even survive a washing machine cycle if it isn’t done properly.

Here are some steps to follow when you need to eliminate scabies mites and eggs from your home environment.

Steps to Clean Your Surroundings

  1. Your Bed– This will often have the highest number of scabies’ and mites and eggs. Since the itching is usually severe at night, you have no doubt spread the eggs everywhere with your hands and fingernails. Wash your sheets in hot water and dry them in a hot dryer. Put your pillows and big blankets in plastic bags and keep them sealed for at least a month. If you live in a place where hot water or dryers aren’t available, you may have to wash your bedding with insecticidal soap. Tea tree oil can also be used.
  2. Your Clothes– These can also be heavily contaminated. Wash everything in hot water and dry with a hot dryer. Things that can’t be washed can be dry cleaned or placed in a sealed plastic bag for at least a month. Again washing in insecticidal soap may be necessary if hot temperatures can’t be used where you live.
  3. Your Bath Towels– Wash these in hot water and use bleach if they are white. Dry on high heat. Again use insecticidal soap if necessary. Throw away anything you use to bathe or shower with ie. sponges, luffa’s etc.
  4. Vacuum– With a hepa filter vacuum, go over all surfaces including mattress, rugs, carpets, furniture, bare floors etc.
  5. Kid’s toys– If your kid has been infected with scabies, it’s important that you wash all their plastic toys with hot water and bleach. Any soft toys need to be washed in the washing machine as described above or also sealed in a plastic bag.


I know all of this cleaning seems like hard work, but you’ll be glad you made the effort because this is a huge step in making sure scabies doesn’t return. Also as an added precaution, during treatment wash your towels, sheets, and clothes after each use.

See Also

Natural Scabies Treatment Options

Does Tea Tree Oil Kill Scabies Mites?

Yes, tea tree oil does indeed kill scabies mites but a few precautions should be used with this natural remedy because tea tree oil is toxic to humans even though it is a natural oil.

This oil is extracted from the tea tree commonly found in Australia. This oil has amazing antiseptic properties and is used in natural disinfectants. You may recognize the strong smell of tea tree oil as similar to Pine Sol cleaner.

You can rub the pure oil directly on the scabies sores, but for all over infections it is recommended that you place at least 20 drops of tea tree oil in a warm bath. Soak in the bath for at least 20 minutes. Read more

10 Steps to Take If You Suspect Scabies

If you suspect that you have been infected with scabies, then there are certain things that you can do to prevent your scabies infection from getting worse or from spreading it to others.

Scabies can last for months if it is not recognized or treated correctly. No one wants this ordeal to drag on nor do they want anyone else to endure the misery that a scabies outbreak can cause.

Here are some things that you can do to get rid of the scabies infection as quick as possible, keep it from spreding on your body, and to keep from infecting your family with it.

Read more

Do Clean People Get Scabies?

I think one of the reasons it took me so long to get help for my scabies outbreak was because I couldn’t possibly believe that I could get scabies.

I’m a clean person and I have excellent hygiene. I thought only the homeless and people in third world countries could get scabies, not me living in my clean middle class environment.

I couldn’t have been more wrong and it made me confront some of my prejudges, also leaving me very humble. If I could get scabies, then I know anyone can. It’s just a matter of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Scabies is a communicable disease and unlike blood-borne illness, scabies can be transmitted actually much easier.

Using public toilets, the gym, not properly cleaned hotel rooms etc. could all be areas that someone with scabies could have left some scabies eggs behind. It is commonly believed that you only get scabies from direct, prolong contact with another infected person, but I can attest that I contracted scabies from an environmental source.

I wasn’t in contact with anyone that was infected and I know this for a fact. I think the chances of contracting scabies mites the way I did is rare, but it can happen. I just wish that I would have been able to admit to myself that a clean person like me could have scabies because then I could have gotten help much sooner.

I’ll never forget the months I spent in itching agony because I thought that there was no way a clean person like me could get scabies. Well, I’m scabies free and I love to use my experiences to help others so that’s why I built this site. I hope it helps and if you were like me, a clean person living in denial about having scabies, I encourage you to get to your doctor and get diagnosed so that you can get help as quickly as possible.

Nurses are relied upon to know so much more intricate details than the average medical professional. Something likes scabies won’t make it to a surgeon’s table, but a nurse deals with it daily. Hence the reason online nursing schools are stressing the simplest ailments now more than ever.

My Healing From Scabies Begins

After months and months of suffering with scabies, I finally began to feel like I was getting better. The extreme itching was becoming less and less and my sores where beginning to heal.

I researched several herbal remedies and they brought some relief, but I discovered this one wonderful natural method kind of by accident. My Natural Scabies Treatment Guide covers this particular scabies treatment in great detail, but needless to say, I was thrilled that it worked so well and was so great for my skin in the process.

I researched a little and found out why scientifically it works, but I really couldn’t find this treatment mentioned anywhere else. I decided to build this website to help other people not suffer as long as I did with scabies and I’m sorry I have to charge for my advice, but it costs money to keep this site running and I don’t run any annoying ads on my site. Read more
